The Mystical Artists

Truth and Lies

Episode Summary

North Korea sends shit balloons just in time for Gemini season. You know, the sign of neighbors and siblings. We have a year long phase of Jupiter in Gemini. What’s the problem? Jeana is our first witness. But how can we use this for good. Robert DeNiro…. Needs to go on a silent retreat, forever. Remington has had enough of bloated, old Hollywood telling everyone how to think. Fasting for the environment and poverty. And so much more.

Episode Notes

North Korea sends shit balloons just in time for Gemini season. You know, the sign of neighbors and siblings.

We have a year long phase of Jupiter in Gemini. What’s the problem? Jeana is our first witness. But how can we use this for good.

Robert DeNiro…. Needs to go on a silent retreat, forever. Remington has had enough of bloated, old Hollywood telling everyone how to think.

Fasting for the environment and poverty.

And so much more.


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